Modeling Ship Kits Beyond The Fundamentals

If it’s been a while since you’ve been building wooden model ship kits, you would most probably have got a good handle on the fundamentals like ways to be imaginative with household things, different tools to utilize, the type of glue and paint that works best, and setting up a well-prepared workspace. But, have you ever imagined beyond that? This guide will definitely take you beyond all these basics.
Using decals to make it a masterpiece
Based on the ship kit you are working on, making use of decals can truly make it a masterpiece. Make sure you use an appropriate solution to apply decals after the essential preparation such as cleaning the surface and marking the locations. Once the decals are dry, it is worth considering gloss coating to let it set appropriately prior to applying the final matte or gloss coat to complete the scale model.
Don’t overlook defined panel lines
Dark oil-color, preferably black or brown, should be applied to the lines using a thin brush before giving your scale model a final coat. This will provide your scale model with greater definition and let the panel lines truly be noticeable. Let the oil dry before applying more if it appears to be too light. Moreover, you can even make use of a wet Q-tip cotton swab to clear up any surplus oil or mistakes.
Chipped paint effect to create realism
According to the professional scale modelers, chipped paint is an ideal technique to give wooden model ship kits an aged or weathered appearance. First of all, base paint color should be applied and let it dry. Then water should be applied where you want the chipped paint to come out. After this, use a brush or fingers for the application of salt to the watered spots. The top paint coat can be applied once the salt and water have dried completely. Now, salt spots should be brushed out to expose the base coat.
Use LED lighting and fiber optics to make your model shine
There are a lot of ship model kits available in which LED lights can be applied to give it an unbelievable effect. For this, you need to get a lighting package that comprises of fiber optics or LED lights and a 9v battery in addition to the required wiring. Sometimes, you may even necessitate a drill to make sufficient access area within the model.
Apart from the four approaches mentioned above, there are a plethora of other ways too that are beyond the basics and often prove to be highly effective to scale model a ship model kit. You can consider following a blog of professional scale modelers to get acquainted with an array of other techniques that scratch the surface of what you can accomplish throughout scale modeling. The professionals always endeavor to spread pioneering and artistic tips to build wooden model ship kits in an exclusive way.